North American 
Transportation Consultants Inc. 

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Miscellaneous Services

Miscellaneous Services

The following areas are presented by North American Transportation Consultants, Inc. (NATC) to assist you in developing or understanding the development of an effective carrier monitoring program.

These tools are intended to clarify misconceptions which have arisen concerning the assignment and practical value of a safety rating given by the US DOT to a carrier. The following tools are provided for your use:

    49 CFR Part 385 - Assignment of Carrier Safety Rating

Safety Rating Matrix

Under the DOT safety rating criteria page, you will find the actual references in 49 CFR which control and establish a carrier’s DOT safety rating.
Under the current projects page, you will find a list of some of the projects currently being performed by NATC for its clients. This list, while not complete, should give you an idea of the services and capabilities of

The safety rating matrix page is provided to assist you in understanding the six (6) factors utilized by the US DOT in the assignment of an overall carrier safety rating.